The Conscious Mother.


As a fellow mom, I understand firsthand how crucial it is to have support during motherhood.

My personal experiences and professional training have led me to my work with women and mothers for over a decade. I am passionate about providing empathetic, supportive, and collaborative Coaching to all mothers wherever you are on the journey - conception, pregnancy, postpartum and beyond.


I am the creator of The Conscious MTHR™, an innovative approach which seeks to develop the consciousness of a mother through the development of the child. As you expand your own consciousness you positively influence the development of your child.

My work with mothers has proven that we are a direct mirror for our children, and they are a direct mirror for us. Children have the power to reflect back unresolved feelings we may hold for Self, as well as limiting beliefs we carry into our relationships. Mastery of self-talk is key. What we tell ourselves, our internal dialogue and how we communicate with our partners, is directly connected to a child’s sense of self-worth, image and esteem. Our work together will allow you to grow into the best version of yourself and, as a result, the mirror your child will need to live as the best version of her/himself. Your child is calling you forward.

Who is this for?

New Moms
Moms who want to live a balanced + more fulfilling life
Moms looking for greater purpose
Moms seeking to reinvent themselves
Moms who need Self care
Moms with body image issues
Moms with no time for themselves
Moms who are sleep deprived
Moms that don’t know who they are anymore
Moms navigating this new world or their new sense of self
Moms feeling inspired + need some support
Grieving Moms

How does it work?

Concierge Coaching at home or Virtually

We collaborate to create a customized coaching plan in order for you to achieve your goals. I honor how precious your time truly is and strive to maximize your coaching experience.

What do I help them with?

Feelings of inadequacy / guilt / shame
Feelings of anger
Relationship issues + boundary setting
Communication issues
Self-esteem + confidence
Postpartum body image
Social media comparison + pressure
Redefining sense of self
Motherhood + identity shift
Making yourself a priority
Adjustment to motherhood
Pregnancy loss
Challenges of being a working mother
Holding space
Limiting beliefs
Healing your own trauma
Owning + honoring innate gifts
Living with purpose
Ambivalence during pregnancy/postpartum


Raising yourself is a prerequisite of The Conscious MTHR. 

Only 3-5% of our behavior is driven by our conscious thoughts. Therefore, 95% of our behavior is driven by unconscious thoughts and patterning. Between the ages of 0-18, our personality is shaped and our model of the world and main belief systems are formed. Childhood development is created by their primary caregivers. Children learn through observation. Mothers, how you see yourself and the world impacts how your children see themselves and this shapes their reality.


Somewhere out there is a mother who needs to forgive herself and ultimately accept herself. It’s ok to be human, to not have it right all the time. Self forgiveness is a journey.

“Your children don’t need a perfect mom, they need a happy mom.”



the process of becoming a mother.

noun /mæˈtres.ənts/

Those physical, psychological and emotional changes you go through after the birth of your child now have a name.

Matrescence, the developmental phase of new motherhood, a transition when hormones surge, bodies change, and identity and relationships shift.

The sometimes anxiety-provoking phase of stepping into your “new mom” identity.


You may be a mother who wants to expand her definition of Self, by exploring, shifting, or reimagining your new role - by living with greater purpose and pivoting what you do in the world. Nothing brings me greater joy than supporting women thrive!


The journey to motherhood comes in many different forms. I know the pain of losing a child. My precious baby boy died after six days. Grief is something I know well. If this has happened to you or someone you know, you are not alone. I am here to hold space for your unique experience. You are a mother, period.


Success Stories

With Farrah's guidance I brought my vision to life, co-creating  a purpose driven career where I have impact in the world, all while significantly reducing my work hours, increasing my income, and spending more time with my husband and our daughter. The depth of our work guided me towards healing old patterns from my childhood so that I don’t have to carry them forward or project them on my daughter. I have a more meaningful relationship with my myself, my husband and our daughter gets the best version of me. I feel more grace, eace and peacefulness within myself and outwardly, I am truly fulfilled. As I called myself forward, my daughter has a brighter future. Motherhood is beautiful and raw, so seeking support continues to be my life-force.

K. W. - Los Angeles

My work with Farrah completely recalibrated my experience of motherhood. As a mother of three, I not only wanted my children to have the best life, but also the best of me. Farrah’s powerful insight gave me the wisdom I needed to change limiting patterns, heal old operating systems and to truly know who I am. I am a more present mother, wife and woman because of her. She empowered me with tools to truly shift my consciousness and live with greater purpose not only as a mother, but also professionally. My children have a role model that leads by example. I am teaching them that vulnerability is a super power, confidence is empowerment, knowing and accepting who you are is true leadership and to trust your inner compass. I wanted to live my purpose and create a life for my children that was beyond how I was raised. Farrah’s ability to truly see people and her laser focus was the guidance my soul was seeking.

L.S. - Los Angeles

Evolution begins with you.